Upholstery Upkeep!

CCS 8 19 15 CANVASpring cleaning is right around the corner!  This is the time of year that many to open their windows, let the fresh air in and start cleaning their homes from top to bottom, welcoming in the fresh scents of spring.

To benefit the most from spring freshness you will want to pay close attention to the upholstery in your home.  There are LOTS of amazing tips and tricks you can apply to get your upholstery promoting freshness this spring!

Use the tools available to you to get ahead of dirt, grime and odors.

Discover the Benefits of Your Vacuum’s Attachments!

So many times we ignore the tools that come with our vacuums and we tend to use our vacuums for floors only.  The upholstery tool is fabulous for sucking up dust, hair and debris from soft fabrics on our couches and chairs.  Try to use this tool on a weekly basis to stop dirt and debris from getting embedded in your furnishings.

Most vacuums come with a crevice tool that can get in between pleats, seams and stationary cushions.  It is perfect for ridding your furniture of crumbs and other dirt and soil.

An Ounce of Prevention…

Prevention is your first line of defense!  Try to keep your family from eating on the couch or chairs around your house.  This will minimize spills that lead to stains.  It will also help stop food and debris from becoming embedded into your furnitures fabric.

If you do experience spills and stains on your furniture, here are some tips to help you avoid a stain:

  • Stop the stain before it sets!
  • Blot the stain with a white cloth, don’t rub
  • Rubbing can actually make the stain GROW!
  • Check your furniture’s care label.  It will give you an explanation of how to treat it for stains

CCS 9 24 15 CANVA-2For the deepest clean and the most effective way to combat stains, contact Complete Care Systems.  We offer encapsulation cleaning for carpeting and upholstery.  This low-moisture technology allows us to use polymers that trap and extract soiled carpeting and upholstery.  Our encapsulation cleaning method will have your carpets dry in 1 to 2 hours!  Not only is our cleaning method efficient but it is safe and environmentally friendly.

Put us on your spring cleaning list to get the tough cleaning jobs done!  We can help you with making your tile and grout sparkle, freshen stale odors trapped in carpets and upholstery as well deep clean your carpeting and upholstery.

Call us for a FREE estimate today (727) 364-5158.

Visit Us Online: www.CompleteCareSystems.com