Do You Change Your Sheets?

They’re out to get us! Each and every night, our health is threatened.  These threats are essentially invisible to our eyes.  Don’t be afraid!  As responsible homeowners, we are all aware of the importance of maintaining cleanliness in the bedroom.  Particularly, what many of us cuddle up with every night…our sheets! 

The general rule of thumb when it comes to cleaning our sheets is to clean them at least once a month. Ideally, however, we should clean them every week or two.  If this is not being done, make a note to begin doing this regularly.  Your sinuses will appreciate the change!

But why do we change our sheets to begin with? For starters, our bodies have between two and four million sweat glands that produce two-hundred milliliters of sweat per eight hours of sleep each night.  Imagine this: in two week’s time, that’s enough sweat to fill up your two-liter of Pepsi!  Feeling the burn yet?

Like many Americans, do you find yourself sniffling and sneezing in the comfort of your own home?  There are many allergens one could point their finger at; however, a microscopic insect is likely to blame.  Insect?  Oh my, call the exterminator!  Not so fast, there’s a much easier solution.  Cleaning your sheets regularly will put a dent in their population.  Which, if you’re curious, could be over ten-million.  Yes, that “mite” be a problem.  Don’t underestimate these little guys, they are one of the biggest threats facing our well-being.

If your family is like mine, then drooling is an every night occurrence. The average person drools about eight ounces per night, enough to fill your morning cup of coffee. Saliva produces different germs than sweat would. How are these germs different? The saliva contains remnants of the foods you eat throughout the day; no matter how often you brush your teeth, there will always be remnants left in your saliva.

Can you name the largest organ of the human body?  Brain?  Lungs?  I know you must have a big heart, but the largest organ of the body is actually your skin.  Our bodies slowly grow and age; our skin is no different; however, it changes much more rapidly every day.  Like onions, and Shrek, our skin also has layers.  Our skin sheds bits of its top layer most often while we shower and sleep.  Where does this skin go?  In the shower, it goes down the drain.  But what while you’re sleeping?  These bits of skin become a late night snack for dust mites.  

My hope is that, by now, you realize the importance of cleaning your sheets.  But what about other places our body rests during the day?  I know one place I spend a lot of my time, or, wish I could spend more time, is on the couch.  Napping, relaxing, daydreaming, or just resting after a long day of work our couches are there to support us.  Unfortunately, we’re not the only ones they support.  They’re home to an empire of dust mites.  What can we do to take care of our couch?  It is recommended by the carpet and upholstery industry to clean your upholstery every eighteen to twenty-four months. We recommend considering how often you use your couch, how many people use it, and the condition of the furniture before deciding how long to wait before cleaning them.

So why then would you clean your sheets and not your upholstery? Upholstery contains more dust mites and dead skin than your sheets ever will.  Give your upholstery the same time and care you dedicate to your sheets, your sinuses will thank you.

At Complete Care Systems we worry about your health too. Call us for a free estimate.
