Tile, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Tip Sheet

Tile, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Tip Sheet

CCS 3 16 16 CanvaSometimes we need a little extra elbow grease and tricks up our sleeves to help keep our homes sparkling clean.  This month, we scoured our cleaning database to bring you our very best stain busting, dirt blasting tips.


  • Remove scuff stains with pencil erasers.
  • Vinegar and a soft cloth can help to buff out water stains.
  • Banish dull tile by cleaning it with this solution:  1/2 cup of white vinegar, 1/2 cup of ammonia and 1/4 cup of borax with 1 gallon of warm water.  Rinse well and let air dry.
  • Disinfect with a hydrogen peroxide solution.  Fill a spray bottle with 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and half water, plus a few drops of dish soap.  Spray solution onto grout.  Let it stand for about 15 minutes and then wipe clean.  This is a great solution to use on a regular basis to combat mold in your shower.
  • Brighten grout with a baking soda paste.  Mix water and baking soda until it creates a toothpaste like consistency.  Spread on grout and let it stand for 5 to 15 minutes.  Scrub with an old toothbrush and rinse well.

Wednesday 3 9 16 CCS CanvaCarpet:

  • Freshen carpets when you vacuum.  Sprinkle carpets with baking soda.  Let it sit for 15 minutes to trap odors.  Vacuum as usual.
  • Always blot stains, never rub.  Rubbing damages fibers and makes the stain worse
  • Try removing stains by blotting with club soda.  Apply club soda to a white cloth and blot up the stain.
  • Vacuum carpets once a week to prolong the life of your carpet.  Failure to do so may result in build up of soils causing fibers to be cut and damaged.
  • Vacuum slowly to get the majority of the dirt out of your carpeting as possible.


  • Remove dirt before it becomes part of your favorite couch!
  • Use the upholstery attachments that comes with your vacuum to suck up dirt.
  • Work from left to right using short, overlapping strokes.
  • Used a can of compressed air to air blast dust and dirt from nooks and crannies.
  • Have your upholstery professional cleaned a minimum of one per year using a low-moisture technique for best results.