Top Indicators It’s Time to Get Your Carpet Cleaned

You know it’s time to get your carpets cleaned when you experience these telltale signs.  Basically, these signs are your carpets speaking to you directly about their cleanliness!

Top 7 Indicators It’s Time For A Deep Clean:

  1. AAAAHHHH-CHOOO! tends to be a common theme in your house lately.  Your family and guests are sneezing more and more when they are in your house.  Why?  Your carpet is trapping allergens!  Professional strength cleaning will help to power out allergens and irritants
  2. You are playing the game “What’s That Smell?” more often than you would like to.  Dirty carpeting can hold on to odors.  When that happens, it is hard to get rid of the odors.  A professional carpet cleaning can help to refresh and deodorize your home.
  3. Your carpeting has more traffic patterns than the Veteran’s Expressway.  There seems to be a dark trail of foot traffic meandering through your home.  This means dirt and grime is present in your carpet’s fibers.
  4. Stains a plenty!  Do you see more spots and stains than you remember?  Even after you have done almost everything to remove them?  It’s time to call in the professionals to work on what just won’t come out.
  5. What color is that anyway?  Is it getting more an more difficult to recognize your carpet’s original color even after multiple attempts of vacuuming?  Another telltale sign that dirt has invaded carpet fibers. It’s gotten in so deep that standard household machines can no longer to the trick. 
  6. Is it time to re-name your carpet Matt?  You know what we’re talking about.  The fibers are no longer long and fluffy, but, short and, well, matted!  Don’t ignore the matted finish.  Call in the professionals before its too late!  The more your fibers stay matted, the more damage is done.
  7. Mold and mildew is present.  It has been a hot and rainy summer so far in Tampa!  These types of conditions are the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew.  Don’t let that happen to your carpet.  Ask us how we can help prevent damage caused by mold and mildew.

Are you ready to get your carpets back in tip top shape?  Give us a call today for a FREE estimate: 727-364-5158 or learn more on our website: