Encapsulation Cleaning Is Not Just For Carpets

Encapsulation cleaning technology is amazing for carpets!  Not only does it deep clean your carpets, leaving behind a fresh and clean environment but your carpets are dry and ready to walk on in just about two hours.

couch-447484_640Imagine what that could mean for your upholstery?!?  Your favorite sofa, most comfortable chair and the ottoman you rely on to prop up your weary feet take a beating every day.  Imagine, dogs, cats, kids and spills assault your upholstery every day.  Sure, Vacuuming helps keep the surface looking ok, but what about what lies underneath?  Dust mites, bacteria, dirt and grime!  If it’s in your carpet, you know it must live in your upholstery too!

Complete Care Systems not only attacks the dirt and grime that lives in your sofas, love seats and chairs but we also specialize in deep cleaning tufted love seats, suede sofas, leather and micro fiber pieces.

If encapsulation carpet cleaning can make the air you breathe cleaner, imagine what it can do if you also penetrate your upholstery, removing allergens, dust mites, pet dander and more?  Think about it.  Furniture is designed to hide dirt.  With that in mind, you really don’t know how dirty your favorite couch is in your TV room!  What about odors?  Great news!  It’s time to say good-bye to doggy odor because not only do we clean your upholstery but we deodorize it too!  That’s not all!  Our prices include basic everyday stain removal as well!

Your Furniture May Be Harboring DUST MITES!

interior-design-332210_640Most of the allergens we experience are a result of dust mites.  There can be approximately 100,000 dust mites in just 1 square yard of carpeting in your home!  Yuck!  Imagine how many may be living in your upholstery!!!  What makes matters worse is dust mites LOVE to hang out where it is moist!  With all the rain we have experienced this summer, dust mites are in dust mite heaven!  Your BEST defense against dust mites is to keep your home cool and deep clean your carpets and upholstery.

Let us help you breathe easier and enjoy a clean home.  Not only will you enjoy a cleaner home, but you will also enjoy longer lasting carpet and upholstery.  Contact us today to book an appointment or to get a FREE quote!  Call us at:  (727) 364-5158.